Elizabeth paihama

Elizabeth paihama

Elizabeth paihama


Complience Family office, Angola

Elizabeth paihama

CFO, Complience Family office


Elizabeth Do Rosario Paihama - Degree in Germanic Languages - Postgraduate in Management - Master in Finance and Business - PhD in finance in progress - Participation in the World Bank forum in Geneva - Switzerland 2016. - I was part of the team that led the “Angola youth group Program”: The Angola youth Program (PAJ) is an instrument for materializing the Government's Executive Plan for Youth Support (PEGAJ), which has as its primary objective the mobilization of young people aiming for their active and permanent participation in the country’s National Reconstruction process. -Bank Employee (Banker) Commercial administrator and complementary channels. - PCA - president of the council of gambling games in Angola. - Financial Adviser, with 15 years of experience in the area. - Triunfal Seguros finance consultant. -CFO of de complience family Office - CFO of the Shopeca Group. Political responsibilities: - Member of the MPLA central committee - Member of the OMA provincial committee - Deputy elected on the MPLA 2022 list (but I'm not serving) I wrote the book Etiquette and Good Manners.