Ileana Carolina Maldonado

Ileana Carolina Maldonado

Ileana Carolina Maldonado

CEO K- Security

Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ecuador, Italy

Ileana Carolina Maldonado

CEO K- Security, Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ecuador


With over two decades of leadership experience in the technology and cybersecurity industries, I have driven strategic progress and played a key role in innovation on a global scale. My expertise spans across IT, telecommunications, digital transformation and global marketing, contributing significantly to successes achieved in both the public and private sectors. My training in International Marketing and Digital Transformation, combined with extensive practical experience in public relations, has allowed me to develop highly effective strategies that have made a tangible impact in international markets and on various digital platforms. Alongside my career in technology, I have actively supported communities focused on the professional growth of women, with a strong commitment to gender equality and increasing female representation in strategically important sectors. Recognizing the crucial role of women in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), I have dedicated considerable energy to supporting initiatives aimed at inspiring and guiding young talent towards successful careers in these fields. I believe that gender diversity is essential to driving innovation and progress globally. My dedication to digital protection and promoting safe environments for future generations, along with my ongoing commitment to the advancement of women in the professional world, is a testament to my commitment to excellence and positive impact in the digital environment. In this ever-evolving digital age, my ambition goes beyond sharing knowledge: I actively seek to collaborate, engage and contribute to creating innovative narratives in the fields of technological innovation, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, while working to promote a more inclusive and equal world for all, with particular attention to the role of women in STEAM.