Laura Moschini

Laura Moschini

Laura Moschini


GIO-Gender Interuniversity Observatory, Italy

Laura Moschini

Professor, GIO-Gender Interuniversity Observatory


PhD in Political Doctrine and Women's Issues, previously professor of Social Ethics, History of women's citizenship and gender policies at the Roma TRE University, she continues her research and professional training activity towards social, economic and environmental sustainability for the achievement of the UN 17 Sustainable Goals through Gender Mainstreaming and the Empowerment of all girls and women, the implementation of the Istanbul Convention against violence against women and the Faro Convention on cultural ownership. In particular, she deals with the transition from STEM to Digital SHTEAM (STEM + Humanities and Arts) with the DiCultHer-Digital Cultural Heritage Arts and Humanities School Network. She collaborated with EIGE-European Institute for Gender Equality and is a founding member of the GIO-Gender Interuniversity Observatory; she is member of the scientific council of the Stati Generali of Women and of the Abbraccio del Mediterraneo association board. She carries out her activities nationally and internationally and is the author of volumes, essays and articles. She received awards and recognition for her professional activity including the WEF Award in Community Leadership and Social Change, WEF Forum, New Delhi, 2017. She is a life member of ALL All Ladies League.