Susanna Cafaro

Susanna Cafaro

Susanna Cafaro


, Italy

Susanna Cafaro



usanna Cafaro is Full Professor of European Union Law at University of Salento (Italy) and she has been awarded in 2019 a Jean Monnet Chair whose title is “Legal Theory of European Integration: a Supranational Democracy Model?”. She is the organizer of the Supranational Democracy Dialogue, an event aimed at bringing together scholars from any background, NGO leaders and political activists, businessmen and innovative thinkers to discuss together the big challenges facing humanity. Susanna Cafaro is also G100 Italy Country Chair for Networking. She is member of the scientific committes of the journals Revue de l'Euro; Perspectives on Federalism; Athena, Critical Enquiries in Law, Philosophy and Globalization and of the Scientific Committee of CesUE Centro Studi Formazione Comunicazione e Progettazione sull’Unione europea e la Global Governance. She has authored and edited numerous books and more than 70 scholarly journal articles and book chapters about the EU’s institutional frame, the European economic and monetary union, the EU external relations, the global economic governance and Euro-Mediterranean relations.