Tina Linne

Tina Linne

Tina Linne

Awakening Mentor & Chief Visionary Officer

Feeling Unlimited Mentoring, Germany

Tina Linne

Awakening Mentor & Chief Visionary Officer, Feeling Unlimited Mentoring


“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.” ― Albert Einstein Are you ready for the Future? We experience a major paradigm shift on a global scale. Heart Centered Consciousness is going to be crucial if you want to live a fulfilled life and excel in Business. To change the world for the better YOU have to change! Feeling Unlimited invites you to move from a Love of Power to harnessing the Power of Love: Award Winning Founder and Chief Visionary Officer Tina Mara Linne has studied Universal Teachings like Yoga, Meditation, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and Astrology for over 15 years and combines Ancient Wisdom with the latest Scientific Research to deliver a unique Mentorship Program that will transform every area of your life and create lasting results. For over a decade she has passionately studied the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, Florence Scovel Shinn, Lisa Nichols, The Heart Math Institute, Deepak Chopra and many more. She received personal Mentoring from Peter Sage, a world class Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur and No. 1 Expert in Human Behaviour. Her joyful attitude, depth of perception, outstanding creativity and problem solving abilities will inspire you to greatness and unlock new doors of understanding.